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And some days you just get lucky.

I have seen this writing desk in a little shop a month or so back, it is a “second hand” store, but with the most lovely goods and stunning furniture.  Some may even be a little on the “antique” side.  It was a bit expensive, so I have been contemplating the expense a bit.

But after passing there again on the weekend, I finally broke down.  I had a good negotiation with the shop assistant, and got a good 25% of the desk.  And immediately loaded it and took it home.  (thank goodness for a hatch back car that can put the seats down, for lots of loading space)

It still even has its original handles and the drawers are not painted or papered, still in its original state.

And so the little desk has found a new home, where it is just perfectly suited. As you can see, already in use.